URGENT! 307 RD4 tape bass outputs help |
• Homepage » PEUGEOT MODIFIED PLATFORM » Peugeot Sound Systems |
08.05.2020 17:53 | # 1 |
hsnsnl | |
There is no bass, hodja. how did you connect did you use compenant etc etc |
08.05.2020 17:53 | # 2 |
there is no bass output on this tape http://urun.gittigidiyor.com/garaj/deck-cevirici-anfi-cikisi-89735459#product-information you need to take this piece and connect it to PART A. Compenant does not run, it only feeds the amplifier
08.05.2020 17:53 | # 3 |
hsnsnl | |
2Works 2 outputs of the scrapper you received .. Login to the front outlets of the tape hod .. partA legs 3-7 (3 plus / 7x) front left hop .. partA legs 2-6 (2p / 6x) front right hop .. If you do it, if you get it right out of the way, hop on .. hop. If it is connected, it runs smoothly to the outputs of the amplifier.