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08.05.2020 14:02 # 1
The cables and the fuse were the same as mine :) :) :) :)

Branchement sur la batterie.

Le poste d`origine, le RD4, n`a pas été enlevé surement pour conserver l`affichage de l`ODB?

Goudronnage des portes:

Construction du plateau sur mesure, qui servira à fixer le caisson et l`ampli:

De la fiber est nécessaire pour avoir la forme parfaite du fond pour le caisson. Il est posé directement sur la roue de secours!

Des verrins sont posés pour pouvoir bouger le plateau sans trop de difficulté:

Le caisson se forme:

Pause de la moquette, des cables et des ventilateurs pour aéré le tout!

Installation de l`ampli et branchement:

Pose du caisson:

Le plateau relevé:

Cable vu de l`arrière, banquette rabattu:

Installation du fond:

emrah 2009-03-15 17:35:21
08.05.2020 14:02 # 2
The baggage is not canceled, so well thought, Emrah brother is yours?
08.05.2020 14:02 # 3
[QUOTE = BaD_b0y $] baggage is not canceled so well thought emrah brother is yours? [/ QUOTE]

cable and body connection are the same only Big smile
08.05.2020 14:02 # 4

I was so fascinated by the project super craftsmanship, but my 206 or 306 m spare wheel is at the bottom Confused

08.05.2020 14:02 # 5
[QUOTE = hakan1203]

I was so fascinated by the project super craftsmanship, but my 206 or 306 m spare wheel is at the bottom Confused


Shall we make it?
08.05.2020 14:02 # 6
Well, in my 306, the spare wheel is not in the trunk below ...
08.05.2020 14:02 # 7
hee got it, let me do the sheath
08.05.2020 14:02 # 8
LOL We do Emrah, you shame ...
It is nice as a hiding, but how does the place have a broader narration?
hakan1203 2009-03-16 08:50:31
08.05.2020 14:02 # 9
super fine workmanship ..
08.05.2020 14:02 # 10
Is the internal volume of the spare wheel sufficient for bass? a little bit on my mind.
08.05.2020 14:02 # 11
As if it was to hide the installation, there is nothing other than the image
I don't like it.
08.05.2020 14:02 # 12
yeah come on in my mind, it did not lie in my head in me, the volume is enough or the bidet buferin usutne direct closing ... they did vuruoki but did not mind: D
08.05.2020 14:02 # 13
They need 60 liters of bidet for the focal k2 power series, they exaggerate and make a port event. I think there is nothing for dB completely in the foreground of workmanship.
08.05.2020 14:02 # 14
He thought beautifully, even if the bidet was not so much, we were able to make a pandizot in the back.
08.05.2020 14:02 # 15
Well done to the hands of the beautiful men, well, the original tape team
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