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starting problem

08.05.2020 14:18 # 1
ibrahim YILDIZAK
My car peugeot 206 1.4 HDI was having an intermittent starting problem in my car. When I started, I clicked, but there was no sound, but I did not start. I had to knock, I came home I stopped the car, I tried again, unfortunately it did not work, what could be the problem? I'm waiting for your help.
08.05.2020 14:18 # 2
the starter sounds but does not it press?
Or is there no click?
08.05.2020 14:18 # 3
ibrahim YILDIZAK
There is no starter sound, just a click, a sound that I think is from the fuse, so it does not turn, the headlight is on, the tape is working, the indicators are working, everything is normal, but the starter does not.
08.05.2020 14:18 # 4

According to Mr. İbrahim, you think your car's starter motor is malfunctioning.

08.05.2020 14:18 # 5
ibrahim YILDIZAK
Thank you so much.
08.05.2020 14:18 # 6
The master made his comment.
08.05.2020 14:18 # 7
You're welcome.
[QUOTE = ibrahim YILDIZAK] Thank you very much. [/ QUOTE]
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