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Sounds from the engine

08.05.2020 20:24 # 1
Hello friends, I bought a new 206, 3 days after the fan started to stop working and when I saw that the temperature gauge was over 90 seconds, then I stopped the car, opened the hood and when I opened it to the engine water, I waited for a while, I pulled the water, I added the water, and when I started the car the next day, the chic chic chic sounds started to come from the engine and It sounded different from the exhaust, why would you help anyone with the information?
08.05.2020 20:24 # 2
[QUOTE = Furkan541] Hello friends 3 days after I bought a new 206, the fan stopped working and when I saw that the temperature indicator went over 90 seconds, then I stopped the car, opened the hood and when it turned on the engine water, I waited for a while, I pulled the water, I added the water, and when I started the car the next day, it was more stylish than the engine. stylish voices started to come and it was a different sound than the exhaust.

First of all, welcome to Furkan. We wish you to use your vehicle without accident and good luck. the cylinder head gasket of the vehicle may be burnt out. Unfortunately, the sound coming from the engine is not a very good omen. Among the options in the exhaust manifold. There are fan relays for the fan, they may be defective or the fan resistance is broken. that is, it can cost between 250 and 1500 TL depending on the situation.
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