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Shaking problem when loaded to gas in 2nd gear

08.05.2020 19:31 # 1
My Peugeot 206 is shaking when the gas is suddenly loaded on the 2nd gear. I asked the master from the coil, but he does not do it in the gas. I took it to a master who was doing the LPG business, he tied it to the computer, everything seems normal, he said the result is the same again. I wonder if you've been encountering a problem?
08.05.2020 19:31 # 2
There is a situation like this. The ignition problem feels more pronounced at lpg. You should not throw the bobbin failure. I saw that the problem that I did not feel too much on the gasoline that I lived in LPG clearly was ignition. If this happens only in 2nd gear, we have to look at other directions.
08.05.2020 19:31 # 3
My brother, I had the same problem, my car is 206 2001 model, 4 quality spark plugs, you can wear it and enjoy it 50 TL .... Good night
08.05.2020 19:31 # 4
[QUOTE = mustimed] My brother, I had the same problem, my car is 206 2001 model, you buy 4 high quality spark plugs, you are enjoying 50 TL .... Good night [/ QUOTE]

I bought the original spark plug of the peg.It had a bosch spark plug before, then it did not shake it so much it started to do more.
08.05.2020 19:31 # 5
Guys, we found the malfunction. There are 4 rubber caps on the spark plug on the coil, so the car is kicking because they throw the ignition out because it gets old. If this happens, replace these tires before replacing the coil. bozlak 2015-11-25 18:19:54
08.05.2020 19:31 # 6
Thank you, I have the same problem, if I do not change the tires. How much was the fee?
08.05.2020 19:31 # 7
Well, the master did not want money, I put 10 TL
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