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screen fading - flicker, etc.

Homepage » PEUGEOT MODIFIED PLATFORM » Peugeot Sound Systems
08.05.2020 17:20 # 1
friends I have 206 vehicles.

I use the Pioneer 3650 cd player and the pioneer 400w oval. the rest of the originals & nbsp;

When I bring the sound to 30, the light of the tape acts as if the titre is lifeless as the tape screen hits the bass. Is the incoming power cord weak?
08.05.2020 17:20 # 2
Gokhan Cetin
I guess it carries the power related to the battery.
08.05.2020 17:20 # 3
I saw that the ceiling lamp was blinking with a knife while bass is striking, your battery may be really leaving you or if the system is too big, use a capacitor. It will be solved when using a capacitor.
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