oil drain? |
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 1 |
onur07 | |
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 2 |
samet206 | |
Could it be gearbox oil? |
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 3 |
kuscu38 | |
Check the firen hydraulics and steering oil if you say it is not in the engine oil.
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 4 |
onur07 | |
I looked at the steering oil a little diminished, completed it, there is no missing in the brake oil, it seems to be complete, there is no normal reduction in the engine oil.
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 5 |
soner09 | |
gearbox oil control, bolted in the section where the left wheel flows from there
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 6 |
ekinoks44 | |
The gearbox oil is mine and the seals that I was missing should be changed. I think the vehicle needs to be lifted in the fiber for its control.
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 7 |
sezar206 | |
If it is missing from the gearbox, check it to a master, you can complete it. Never mind your hand. |
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 8 |
TaZ | |
The gearbox has a drain right there, and since they put too much oil in the car for days, when the oil coolant went down to its normal level, it started to not vomit anymore.
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 9 |
onur07 | |
Thank you very much for your help ... There is nothing to do other than looking at the service.
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 10 |
fthusl | |
in my car is missing from the right side, probably I will change the gasket when I change the oil from the crankcase
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 11 |
onur07 | |
Oil flow and transmission oil, obviously, we neglected aka let's say it's over, do you have a big problem? You kidnap little, if I complete it all the time?
08.05.2020 17:57 | # 12 |
kuscu38 | |
Hodja, if you don't have very difficult materials to complete the gearbox oil yourself ... but if the gearbox oil is missing, the car will sound like a beating from the engine. or the gear does not pass, there will be trouble ...