Lpg Selection |
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 1 |
mcan026 | |
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 2 |
BerkeKarayel | |
Your head will be comfortable if you wear brc. But first of all, the factor of the master is very important, you should find the master of the best quality, but the kit should be of good quality :)
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 3 |
Barut | |
Last year, I had an automatic 206 at the same time.
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 4 |
sosyete_60 | |
mindl powerfast super obd ıı, do not forget about it in the whole work master 900 tl kit master makes the vizier 1600 tl kit master makes the fuck completely totally master i am using the mind I'm very satisfied
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 5 |
hsnsnl | |
I recommend zavoli or brc, but you have to find a master to die ...
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 6 |
mcan026 | |
Thanks for your answers, friends, you need a solid master, thanks.
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 7 |
EmSul | |
I had no problem with Atiker-fast in my car .. I made a road between 57 lira and 300-330km last week.
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 8 |
yigiteroglu | |
I use wastes too, I don't mind the slightest problem, I go 230-240km with 55 pounds of gas (about 21 liters).
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 9 |
serkan206 | |
absolutely BRC ...
08.05.2020 16:53 | # 10 |
simurg | |