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It doesn't get the first starter in the morning

08.05.2020 21:20 # 1
My 2004 model 206 lpg car works by kicking the first starter in the mornings after the weather has cooled down. What is the reason ?
08.05.2020 21:20 # 2
I say look at the spark plugs
08.05.2020 21:20 # 3
In addition, LPG regulator gas may be escaping. From vacuum hose to manifold room, it may cause such problems at the first start.
08.05.2020 21:20 # 4
The vehicle runs on gasoline in the morning and then passes to the tube. I don't fully understand but
08.05.2020 21:20 # 5
[QUOTE = Bayrambugra] The vehicle runs on gas in the morning and then passes to the tube. I don't fully understand but [/ QUOTE]

Let me say that the technical part of the work is now in sequential systems, yes, it runs on gasoline at the first start, and when it reaches the set temperature, it passes lpg. As for the detail, there is a vacuum hose from the top of the rectifier to the intake manifold. This diaphragm inside the regulator causes gas to escape into the vacuum section when it is torn, which causes gas to fill the manifold when the vehicle is not operated for a long time. As a result, lpg and gasoline try to burn together at the first start, causing it to run late. You can find many videos on youtuba.
08.05.2020 21:20 # 6
Ok thank you very much for informing 👏
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