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I changed the thermostat, still the same problem.

15.08.2022 22:01 # 1
I changed the thermostat 3 months ago due to the temperature fluctuation. I ordered the original thermostat, the tip did not fit and our master bought a ford brand thermostat and installed it. It was running steady at 82 degrees at first. He couldn't keep the degree at 82 for a few days on the long road. When compressed, the vehicle remains at 90 degrees, while in quiet use it remains at 75-80 degrees. I think there is a problem with the thermostat again. Could it be that the original is not installed? There may also be a partial blockage in the radiator, with this 3 months of use, could it be that you opened that area and got some dirt and rust between the thermostat? It's probably the thermostat that stays open. Thank you guys.

2009 model 1.4 hdi peugeot 207
16.08.2022 15:49 # 2
Sir, normally the original thermostat opens at 96-97 degrees, the fan. The situation is stable according to what you told. I don't understand where is the problem.
16.08.2022 17:03 # 3
I know that it needs to keep the temperature between 85-90. It drops to 75 degrees on the long road. It wasn't like this before.
17.08.2022 02:37 # 4
Hello, I have a similar problem to you, the temperature is constantly going between 75 and 80, but when it reaches 80, the fan turns on, it goes up to 90 on the ramp, and it goes down again, so I changed the thermostat recently (I even opened an issue, he said it is thermostatic) but it was the same before I changed it to the master. I asked him, he said there is no problem, but I am still not comfortable, if we find out why it is like this, it will be great.
17.08.2022 21:52 # 5
How nice is yours, from the day I bought it, the data is constant at 87-90s, if I go uphill for a very long time, it becomes 95 or something. The 2nd stage fan does not turn on, until the engine chokes, the last time I turn on the air conditioner, the 2nd stage turns on and cools.
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