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Exhaust manifold crack 206 cc.

08.05.2020 19:22 # 1
Everything ends in this life, only the back streets in canal and my car breakdowns do not end :)
There was a capillary crack in the exhaust manifold, there was some noise in the morning, the master would crack again at the source, so it said, it did not bother me, it is expensive in the new one .. I bought würth brand exhaust crack remover from the internet as a temporary solution, exhaust man. I dismantled its shield and rolled up the crack nicely. It went for 2 months, after I made a 200 km road the other day, I saw that the exhaust was cracked in the cracking remover paste, I left itself, I rolled up again. I want to try the option, do you think the source is successful or is the room a temporary solution? If we find a 50 lira disassembly, 50 lira to the source 100 lira, but a new exhaust manifold 400-500, or if I find out 200 TL.
08.05.2020 19:22 # 2
Now I called, they said they have in stock, I asked them to ask for a price, and they said, `` It did not come, '' we did not understand.
08.05.2020 19:22 # 3
it is a source while shooting, then it is put into place by force.
08.05.2020 19:22 # 4
thanks, then it makes more sense to find the quit
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