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emergency aid...

08.05.2020 17:42 # 1
hi, brothers, brothers, I have 106 xs, 98 models. What will it cost me?
08.05.2020 17:42 # 2
They handle the crankcase with silicon or something, but if it is not done properly, there is a problem.
The complete front set in the Peugeot market is 190 TL alone, it has workmanship +20 TL if you take into account the rot setting, because most mechanics get the rod out and compensate for it. He's making 150 TL just up or down.
samet206 2013-06-14 00:29:38
08.05.2020 17:42 # 3
Valla 300 TL. 190 tl is not 206, is the king's pejoda 106 years old?
08.05.2020 17:42 # 4
[QUOTE = bullet6458] If I handle 300 TL, I will put it on the opupte. 190 tl is not 206, but the king's pejoda is 106 years old? [/ QUOTE]

Well, I have to look at it, my teacher has already indicated that the right-left swing is only 150 TL for 106. .
08.05.2020 17:42 # 5
Thanks, thank you for your help.
08.05.2020 17:42 # 6
they come from the top of the cartel, but the water of these municipalities did not set the road, they were standing on the two-storey building.
08.05.2020 17:42 # 7
[QUOTE = bullet6458] comes from the top of the cartel, but the crime of these municipalities did not set the path to the two-storey building sank [/ QUOTE]

Everyone who complains, I think it is very useful to be careful about those who do not get ridiculous as they have the proper ones, because excuse me does not hear about it.
08.05.2020 17:42 # 8
I am already in a swarm, I got lost from the emergency.
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