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Connecting the trunk lamp to the BSi

08.05.2020 18:13 # 1
Hello friends,

I do not know how I thought of repeating a project that I used to think of when I got SEDRE and DOCBACKUP. Our trunk lamp is independent of the vehicle or irrelevant to the trunk lamp. it takes electricity from somewhere. Because there was no luggage lamp, I made it later.

I want to connect it to the relevant ends of the bsi and make it original. How do you think this is?

There is a sensor in the tailgate and it acts as a key due to gravity according to the condition of the tailgate. The outputs of this are determined in the cabin below.

What do you say? Reviews
08.05.2020 18:13 # 2
I followed and hooked the sema from the sedre from the trunk, the electricity for the trunk lamp passes through an electric fuse and comes to the socket in the trunk;) it does not work with sleep mode,
the feed for the memory for the memory and the trunk lamp is fed from the same fuse;)
when available I take a photo of it;)
08.05.2020 18:13 # 3
Brother, I examined it, detected the outputs, but I couldn't figure it out how to find it through BSi.

If you noticed that when I will make illumination to the torpedo, I get the chassis from the dial, I do not understand this part. Is this very important?
08.05.2020 18:13 # 4
I bought the ball socket for the trunk and plugged it in. It was 3 TL.
It is necessary to lower the cable from the trunk lid to the left rear socket, the trunk lamp takes the chassis from the center, the contact is freed from the aco mode for the trunk lighting + 12v draped in the left rear socket is empty;)

torpedo lamp I bought the electric with the clips from + 12v and connected it to the lamp. I removed the upper right of the support rubber wedge on the glovebox cover and put it back in place.
I will give you one of the reverse micro switc when it comes;)

spearo 2014-01-17 11:38:51
08.05.2020 18:13 # 5

A simple switch with a metal ball inside which turns on the red tube white lamp tailgate in the photos < br> spearo 2014-01-17 11:48:59
08.05.2020 18:13 # 6
Brother you have the switch you mentioned in my vehicle. My trouble is which output I should connect the electricity to it.

In the principle diagram of ECu, he wrote the code and the place BSi does not.
08.05.2020 18:13 # 7
There is a cable from the bsi to the trunk in the left rear socket in the trunk;)
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