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blown fuse blown

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08.05.2020 17:47 # 1
Hi friends, as I wrote in the title, I got the lighter insurance, I don't know which insurance in the insurance box, I want help. Thanks in advance
08.05.2020 17:47 # 2
my car 2005 x-desing, if there is no change, the fuse 22 in the fuse box under the steering wheel is connected to this fuse in the 20A ceiling lamp.
08.05.2020 17:47 # 3
[QUOTE = plawert]
my car 2005 x-desing if there is no change, fuse number 22 under the steering wheel is connected to this fuse in the 20A ceiling lamp line [/ QUOTE]
When I open the door, the ceiling lamp is on, but I always turn it on. thank you I will look at insurance number 22
08.05.2020 17:47 # 4
it does not light up in a permanent position, I hope I already helped
08.05.2020 17:47 # 5
as plawert friend says

08.05.2020 17:47 # 6
Thank you, there were 15, 20 of them, 30 of them, 30 of them, of 40, of 40, of them.
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