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Angel Fara Height Adjustment Motor Installation

08.05.2020 15:56 # 1
Merhaba arkadaşlar.
Piyasada göremediğim ama merak ettiğim bir uygulama ile karşınızdayım...
Birçok araçta angel farlar kullanılıyor fakat bu esnada aracın orjınalınde bulunan yukseklık ayar motoru devre dısı kalıyor. Arastırmalarım sonucundabazı farlara yapılabıldıgı bazılarında olmadıgı noktasında cesıtlı soylemlerve yazılar okudum. Fakat calısanına hıc rastlamadım.Elımdekıfarın sagını solunu ıncelerken ayar kısmının sokuldugunu farkettım ve zaten bu kısmınfar motoru takmak ıcın yapılmıs oldugunuanladım Gülme
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Orjınal far motoru

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Bu sekılde ters durursa olmaz.

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Sonra o bahsettıgım tırnagı ınceltınce artık motor kendı eksenınde donebılmeye basladı.

Bu da en asagı kadar donebıldıgı hali. Bu sekılde calısmasında hıcbır sıkıntı yok.
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CeCoLi2011-09-07 01:14:57
08.05.2020 15:56 # 2
AlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkış You are a genius :))) when you come to mine ... :) Sırıtma
08.05.2020 15:56 # 3
[QUOTE = You by_] AlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkışAlkış You are a genius :))) when you come to mine ... :) Sırıtma [/ QUOTE]
Thank you, Estagfurullah brother. But don't rush Gülme
All I think is, when you put the headlights with these engines on the car, is it worth it at the back? We haven't been there yet. It doesn't go further out from the back of the headlight, but I thought again.
Would you please take a picture and add a picture so that you can hurt the hood and look at the top of the headlights? Let's see the distance behind the headlights. I have to put the headlights in order to understand it.
But this issue can be an example not only for 306 but for many angel eyes ...
the cecol 2011-08-04 10:26:23
08.05.2020 15:56 # 4
You are right .. brother .. when I go home in the evening and take pictures .. i don't think it will be worth somewhere .. behind the headlights was empty ....
08.05.2020 15:56 # 5
Good job of master of health, look at your customers already :)
08.05.2020 15:56 # 6
Emre Ekrem
It was a very good work, congratulations.
08.05.2020 15:56 # 7
[QUOTE = undertaker] It has been a great work, congratulations. [/ QUOTE]
Sagolas, brother. Probably you don't have a height engine in the headlight. I think the above explanations will be valid in your angel eyeshadow ???
08.05.2020 15:56 # 8
[QUOTE = forewer_fb] nice hand of health master, look at customers already:) [/ QUOTE]
I made the assembly of it already Göz Kırpma
08.05.2020 15:56 # 9
yes my angel assembly belongs to our cecoli master :))) more active zenons :)) bidet headlight motor output :))) great effort .. not paid right ... you by_ 2011-08-04 10:39:38
08.05.2020 15:56 # 10
[QUOTE = by_ersin] yes my angel assembly belongs to our cecoli master :))) we will activate more zones :)) bidet headlight motor output :))) its labor is great .. right is not paid ... [/ QUOTE]
I aleykümselam Göz Kırpma
08.05.2020 15:56 # 11
Sırıtma I was very curious if I took this picture even though it is evening ...
08.05.2020 15:56 # 12
Cecoli brother is really a genius, I do not know exactly what the profession is, but your hand is very prone. If I understand a little bit like you, I always want to learn about this engine, I want to learn about this type of engine, as I see your writings like this, I will take the key and pick it up and it will not be gathered someday. Sırıtma

I really congratulate you and thank you for sharing this beautiful work. Alkış
08.05.2020 15:56 # 13
Emre Ekrem
I just bought yesterday and I didn't have much opportunity to check, I know it has the engine, but I am not sure, or it doesn't matter now because you have found the solution, Cem. :D
I took a few photos on the phone, I will have it installed as soon as possible.

08.05.2020 15:56 # 14
brother angel you got the headlight good luck. I think I was saying "Why did not the cem brother buy it?" enjoy it.
08.05.2020 15:56 # 15
Emre, first of all, use your headlights good bye. As far as I can see from the picture, there is no engine on it. The back of our headlights is exactly the same.
If you pay attention, it is the same way in the setting. You can insert it and adapt the engine.
08.05.2020 15:56 # 16
[QUOTE = text] brother angel you got the headlight good luck. I think I was saying "Why did not the cem brother buy it?" good bye. [/ QUOTE]

bro we both bought it at the same time :)) Sırıtma
08.05.2020 15:56 # 17
[QUOTE = CeCoLi] Emre brother, use your headlights good bye. As far as I can see from the picture, there is no engine on it. The back of our headlights is exactly the same.
If you pay attention, it is the same way in the setting. You can insert it and adapt the engine.

+ 999 Thumbs Up Just like brother, we don't have a headlight engine like us .. but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen .. I said no longer when cem first told me but .. he finished the event .. it's my turn ....
you by_ 2011-08-04 11:13:39
08.05.2020 15:56 # 18
You are master of halal cecoli. the mustafakirl 2011-08-04 11:46:55
08.05.2020 15:56 # 19
Cecoli Master is applauded by me as a cheers man Swiss army knife Alkış
08.05.2020 15:56 # 20
[QUOTE = HeRo1727] Cecoli Master is applauded by me as a cheers man Swiss knife. Alkış [/ QUOTE]

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