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Amp Connection type

Homepage » PEUGEOT MODIFIED PLATFORM » Peugeot Sound Systems
08.05.2020 18:44 # 1
hello friends for now 4 channel amp 2 channel ovale other 2 double coil subwoofer connected to the tape on the front components. seviniirm

front speaker mid treble kenwood 300 watt component 4 ohms
ovals kenwood 500 watts 6993 4 ohm
sub sony 1000 watt slim bass
amp kenwood m846 720 watts

60WattsRMS x 4ch at 4 Ohms
90WattsRMS x 4ch at 2 Ohms
60WattsRMS x 2ch + 180Watts RMS x 1ch at 4 Ohms
korkusuz202 2014-08-04 19:19:49
08.05.2020 18:44 # 2
Nothing happens if the anfin lifts. You can drive the bass to the 2-way bridge with ovals or treble bridges to the 2-way bridge. No, you will get a mono sound if you say I will enter the ovals, because all the speakers will be connected at 2 outputs, you will get the same sound from all speakers except the bass.
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