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08.05.2020 15:22 # 1
Hello friends again,

I would like to thank all of my friends who participated in the subject I named about performance in particular.

I am waiting for you to share your valuable information with another question.

the question is ,

you know the car 206 quik 1.6 16 valve 110 hp
The vehicle makes light weight while coming to 3 thousand cycles. it does this in all the gear. The car wants to go, but at that moment it holds back from behind .. Like the car can't breathe ..

I know, have I been able to recipe? car series is not coming so

What effects the vehicle's stiffness, the air filter oil change and the filter will be useful ...

previously there were 106 quik 1.4 75 hp di .. the same series from this car was the same ..

I did not have another opportunity to use 206 quils. If I used it, I could compare ..

greetings to all
GISTs 2011-05-03 08:46:22
08.05.2020 15:22 # 2
I would advise you to overtake fuel and ignition systems
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