About the headlight. |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 1 |
acabuco | |
I do not know very detailed information about headlights and all tradesmen in Istanbul are in the middle of the work, they never want to give information, let's take the money they have, let's do the job. Billgi is getting really hard to get. I want to ask what's on my mind. 1-If I put angel headlight on my car, will it be examined by led bulbs? 2-LED XENON EXAMINATION EXPIRES THE EXAMINATION OF XENON REMOVAL EXPENSE 159 TL FREE SHIPPING (# 288307654) has an ad, for example, this advertisement says led xenon, do they really go through the examination? 3- Now when you look at the car against most of the vehicles, you take your eyes, you don't see the content, are they led, xenon or led xenon? Can you give me information about how I can bring my vehicle to that consistency? Let's not feed the shopkeepers. |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 2 |
maximusti | |
1. Angel headlight, Led bulbs, xenon headlights do not pass inspection. in any case, you will need to return to the original halogen headlights before the inspection. 2. Same as the first answer 3. If the xenon or led headlight is without lens, it will be scattered because it emits light. If you say that it looks beautiful + the other person does not take the eye of the front, you should wear it with a lens (it will be costly). my advice: do not deal with xenon, buy Led bulbs from aliexpres and install them yourself. + If your budget is available, get a lens.
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 3 |
uzunca961 | |
[QUOTE = I maximus] 1. Angel headlight, Led bulbs, xenon headlights do not pass the inspection. in any case, you will need to return to the original halogen headlights before the inspection. 2. Same as the first answer 3. If the xenon or led headlight is without lens, it will be scattered because it emits light. If you say that it looks beautiful + the other person does not take the eye of the front, you should wear it with a lens (it will be costly). my advice: do not deal with xenon, buy Led bulbs from aliexpres and install them yourself. + If your budget is available, get a lens. [/ QUOTE] Mustafa is not like correcting his answers, but; 1. It is certain that Xenon does not go through the examination, but there is no problem in it, but I heard a lot about the leds. 2. There is no such thing as led xenon, there is xenon or led. Led xenon is what they call the jackal. I think it is okay for you to be examined with LEDs, if you want to try the chance :) If you already have your own hand skills, you can disassemble and hide yourself. By the way, my leds Mustafa wore it was very nice :))) 3. 159 or 129 or so, these are the prices of men who make solid profits. we bought $ 18 twill Mustafa in that area in 10 days and we got it. It took me 5 minutes to wear it, but it took me a bit longer. I'm not sure of that, but I agree with Mustafan's advice. Buy from Aliex will not be a problem. There are even those with additional advice fringing, it is easier to fit on the headlight to wear it without a motor.
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 4 |
acabuco | |
[QUOTE = uzunca961] [QUOTE = I maximus] 1. Angel headlight, Led bulbs, xenon headlights do not pass the inspection. in any case, you will need to return to the original halogen headlights before the inspection. 2. Same as the first answer 3. If the xenon or led headlight is without lens, it will be scattered because it emits light. If you say that it looks beautiful + the other person does not take the eye of the front, you should wear it with a lens (it will be costly). my advice: do not deal with xenon, buy Led bulbs from aliexpres and install them yourself. + If your budget is available, get a lens. [/ QUOTE] Mustafa is not like correcting his answers, but; 1. It is certain that Xenon does not go through the examination, but there is no problem in it, but I heard a lot about the leds. 2. There is no such thing as led xenon, there is xenon or led. Led xenon is what they call the jackal. I think it is okay for you to be examined with LEDs, if you want to try the chance :) If you already have your own hand skills, you can disassemble and hide yourself. By the way, my leds Mustafa wore it was very nice :))) 3. 159 or 129 or so, these are the prices of men who make solid profits. we bought $ 18 twill Mustafa in that area in 10 days and we got it. It took me 5 minutes to wear it, but it took me a bit longer. I'm not sure of that, but I agree with Mustafan's advice. Buy from Aliex will not be a problem. There are even those with additional advice fringing, it is easier to fit on the headlight to wear it without a motor. [/ QUOTE] First of all, thank you for your answer. I will add a few more things. If I buy 1-angel headlight and put a led on it, will it pass the examination? 2- Is my long and short light bulb coming out of the original bulbs or different bulbs? I couldn't distinguish it completely They said it was lensed when selling 3-angel headlights, but the very expensive prices are 900-1000 rubles, are these really lenses? Or does the heat freeze? |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 5 |
maximusti | |
[QUOTE = uzunca961] Mustafa is not like correcting his answers, but; 1. It is certain that Xenon does not go through the examination, but there is no problem in it, but I heard a lot about the leds. 2. There is no such thing as led xenon, there is xenon or led. Led xenon is what they call the jackal. I think it is okay for you to be examined with LEDs, if you want to try the chance :) If you already have your own hand skills, you can disassemble and hide yourself. By the way, my leds Mustafa wore it was very nice :))) 3. 159 or 129 or so, these are the prices of men who make solid profits. we bought $ 18 twill Mustafa in that area in 10 days and we got it. It took me 5 minutes to wear it, but it took me a bit longer. I'm not sure of that, but I agree with Mustafan's advice. Buy from Aliex will not be a problem. There are even those with additional advice fringing, it is easier to fit on the headlight to wear it without a motor. [/ QUOTE] If I'm wrong, fix it, no problem :) but the chance to go through it is luck. they may write and pass a slight flaw. they left my friend's megan on inspection due to the daytime LEDs in front. I think it is at the discretion of the examiner. We got the products for $ 14-16 for the price. [QUOTE = acabuco] First of all, thank you for your answer. I will add a few more things. If I buy 1-angel headlight and put a led on it, will it pass the examination? 2- Is my long and short light bulb coming out of the original bulbs or different bulbs? I couldn't distinguish it completely They said it was lensed when selling 3-angel headlights, but the very expensive prices are 900-1000 rubles, are these really lenses? or does the heat freeze? [/ QUOTE] new answers: It is entirely the chance and initiative of the officer to go through the examination. long and short have different bulb sockets. both are separate bulbs. angel is just a frame on the headlight. there are so many kinds of headlight sets. Like angel + lenticular, non-lenticular, flashing lamps, lighted ones in different colors. If you share the image or internet link of the product you want to buy, let's say something clear again. |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 6 |
acabuco | |
[QUOTE=maximusti] [QUOTE=uzunca961] Mustafa cevaplarını düzeltmek gibi olmasın ama; 1. Xenon un muayeneden geçmediği kesin onda sıkıntı yok ama ledler ile geçenleri çok duydum. 2. Led xenon diye birşey yok xenon ya da led var. Led xenon dedikleri işin çakallık kısmı. Led lerle muayeneye girmende bence bir sakınca yok şansını dene istersen :) zaten kendi el becerin varsa kendin söküp sakabilirsin. Bu arada benim ledleri Mustafa taktı sağolsun çokta güzel oldu :))) 3. 159 ya da 129 filan bunlar sağlam kar yapan adamların fiyatları. biz 18$ dimi Mustafa o civarda aldık 10 günde elimize geçti ve taktık. takması 5dk sürer bende biraz uzun sürdü ama :) Xenona mercek muayene için çare olmuyor benim bildiğim motorlu olması gerekiyor bir de. Bundan emin değilim ama Mustafanın tavsiyesine katılıyorum. Aliex den al tak sıkıntı olmaz. Hatta sana ilave tavsiye saçaklı olanlar var motorsuz onu takman fara sığması daha kolay. [/QUOTE] Yanlışım varsa düzelt abi sorun yok :) ama muayneden geçme olayı şans. hafif kusur yazıp geçirebilirler de bırakabilirlerde. arkadaşımın meganını öndeki gündüz ledlerinden dolayı muayenede bırakmışlardı. tamamen muayene yapan kişinin insiyatifinde olduğunu düşünüyorum. fiyat olarak 14-16$ a aldık ürünleri. [QUOTE=acabuco] oncelikle cevabiniz icin tesekkurler, birkac sey daha ekliyeyim o zaman 1-angel far alip ona led taksam olur mu, muayeneden gecer mi o sekilde ? 2- benim su an orjinal farlarda uzun ve kisa ayni ampulden mi cikiyor, farkli ampuller mi ? bunu tam ayirt edemedim 3-angel farlari satarken mercekli demisler, ama cok pahali fiyatlar 900-1000 tl, bunlar gercekten mercekli mi ? yoksa isin bi cakalligi donuyor mu ?[/QUOTE] yeni cevaplar : Muayeneden geçmesi tamamen şans ve memurun insiyatifi. uzun ve kısalar farklı ampül duyları var. her ikiside ayrı ampüller. angel sadece farın üzerindeki bir çerçeve. çok fazla çeşitte far setleri var. angel + mercekli, merceksiz, çakar lambalı, kumandalı farklı renklerde yananları gibi. almak istediğiniz ürünün görselini veya internet linkini paylaşırsanız net birşey söyleyelim yine.  bu model hosuma gidiyor, ama mercekli mi merceksiz mi anlayamiyorum bakarak.ama bunu takmak istiyorum. ayrica, angel takip normal ampul taksam, led veya xenon takmasam yine muayeneden gecmesi sansa mi kalmis bir durum ? sadece far seklinden dolayi agir kusur yazma haklari var mi ? |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 7 |
uzunca961 | |
[QUOTE = I maximus] [QUOTE = uzunca961] Mustafa is not like correcting his answers, but; 1. It is certain that Xenon does not go through the examination, but there is no problem in it, but I heard a lot about the leds. 2. There is no such thing as led xenon, there is xenon or led. Led xenon is what they call the jackal. I think it is okay for you to be examined with LEDs, if you want to try the chance :) If you already have your own hand skills, you can disassemble and hide yourself. By the way, my leds Mustafa wore it was very nice :))) 3. 159 or 129 or so, these are the prices of men who make solid profits. we bought $ 18 twill Mustafa in that area in 10 days and we got it. It took me 5 minutes to wear it, but it took me a bit longer. I'm not sure of that, but I agree with Mustafan's advice. Buy from Aliex will not be a problem. There are even those with additional advice fringing, it is easier to fit on the headlight to wear it without a motor. [/ QUOTE] If I'm wrong, fix it, no problem :) but the chance to go through it is luck. they may write and pass a slight flaw. they left my friend's megan on inspection due to the daytime LEDs in front. I think it is at the discretion of the examiner. We got the products for $ 14-16 for the price. Astağfurullah Mustafa :) As you said, the understanding of luck and examiner is completely. You may have even heard that Xenon undergoes examination. Some are superstition and some are real. I once thought about the Angel thing. On Aliexpress, there are only those with rings and those with lenses. It's up to you here
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 8 |
tsufrankwoli | |
http://www.modifiye.com.tr/u10094,235,peugeot-206-type-ii-drl-style-ledli-far.htm If it is certain that this headlight will pass in my mind for years, I will buy it. Keep it in mind that you'll stay in my mind. The price is expensive, but I will sacrifice it :)
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 9 |
uzunca961 | |
[QUOTE = tsufrankwoli] http://www.modtantik.com.tr/U10094,235,peugeot-206-type-ii-drl-style-ledli-far.htm If it is certain that this headlight will pass in my mind for years, I will buy it. Keep it in mind that you'll stay in my mind. The price is expensive, but I will sacrifice it :) [/ QUOTE] The first is out of stock Second is a pity to give so much money Thirdly, if you wear a lens, you can take the led and put it on the signal. |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 10 |
tsufrankwoli | |
[QUOTE = Uzunca961] [QUOTE = tsufrankwoli] http://www.modtantik.com.tr/U10094,235,peugeot-206-type-ii-drl-style-ledli-far.htm If it is certain that this headlight will pass in my mind for years, I will buy it. Keep it in mind that you'll stay in my mind. The price is expensive, but I will sacrifice it :) [/ QUOTE] The first is out of stock Second is a pity to give so much money Thirdly, if you wear a lens, you can take the led and put it on the signal. [/ QUOTE] It looks beautiful but :) If I make lenses and LEDs outside, I think it costs 400-500 again.
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 11 |
maximusti | |
If you say lens in the province and you have hand skills, aliexpresten angel ring, 3 $ 5 ford fiesta lenses, 100% compatible with 206 headlights almost, 15 20 tl aliexpresten long short led bulbs 14 $ x 2 Daytime running light hoses with signal from aliexprest 10 around $ 15. you can disassemble and do wonders with your own hand skill ...
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 12 |
acabuco | |
[QUOTE = maximusti] If you say lens in the province and you have hand skills, aliexpresten angel ring, 3 $ 5 ford fiesta lenses, 100% compatible with 206 headlights almost, 15 20 tl aliexpresten long short led bulbs 14 $ x 2 Daytime running light hoses with signal from aliexprest 10 around $ 15. you can disassemble and do wonders with your own hand skill ... [/ QUOTE] original headlights https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8wlKzGkcIx4/maxresdefault.jpg Do I have the opportunity to bring it this way? I have never tried this kind of accessory productions before. |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 13 |
maximusti | |
[QUOTE = acabuco] [QUOTE = maximusti] If you say lens in the province and you have hand skills, aliexpresten angel ring, 3 $ 5 ford fiesta lenses, 100% compatible with 206 headlights almost, 15 20 tl aliexpresten long short led bulbs 14 $ x 2 Daytime running light hoses with signal from aliexprest 10 around $ 15. you can disassemble and do wonders with your own hand skill ... [/ QUOTE] original headlights https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8wlKzGkcIx4/maxresdefault.jpg Do I have the opportunity to bring it this way? I have never tried this kind of accessory productions before [/ QUOTE] done. But as I said, it requires dexterity, a hot air machine to remove the headlights, silicon to turn off, materials for cutting and mowing will be required. By the way, I also found the owner for 550 TL. if you want to see it too |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 14 |
acabuco | |
[QUOTE = maximusti] [QUOTE = acabuco] [QUOTE = maximusti] If you say lens in the province and you have a hand skill, aliexpresten angel ring, 3 $ 5 ford fiesta lenses, 100% compatible with 206 headlights almost, 15 20 tl aliexpresten long short led bulbs 14 $ x 2 Daytime running light hoses with signal from aliexprest 10 around $ 15. you can disassemble and do wonders with your own hand skill ... [/ QUOTE] original headlights https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8wlKzGkcIx4/maxresdefault.jpg Do I have the opportunity to bring it this way? I have never tried this kind of accessory productions before [/ QUOTE] done. But as I said, it requires dexterity, a hot air machine to remove the headlights, silicon to turn off, materials for cutting and mowing will be required. By the way, I also found the owner for 550 TL. if you want to see it too does not enter the link you provided, is there a problem? |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 15 |
maximusti | |
[QUOTE = acabuco] does not enter the link you provided, is there a problem [/ QUOTE] sahibinden.com's number: 462215227 you can look here
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 16 |
uzunca961 | |
I think you can get these pretty good
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 17 |
acabuco | |
[QUOTE = I maximus] [QUOTE = acabuco] does not enter the link you provided, is there a problem [/ QUOTE] sahibinden.com's number: 462215227 you can look here [/ QUOTE] I wrote to the seller, let me ask you again, angel headlamp per examination is not considered a serious defect, right? If I wear a led, I have a chance to go overnight, I am not likely to have a xenon? and is this sold lens? |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 18 |
maximusti | |
[QUOTE = acabuco] I wrote to the seller, let me ask you again, angel headlamp per examination is not considered a serious defect, right? If I wear a led, I have a chance to go overnight, I am not likely to have a xenon? and is this lens sold? [/ QUOTE] As I said, luckily .. these headlights are lensed. A slight flaw was written on my white parking bulbs, but the heavy daylight on the previous day's led remained in my friend's vehicle. angel, led etc can leave such things to chance.
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 19 |
Ado3442 | |
08.05.2020 20:29 | # 20 |
OguzhanKucuk61 | |
May the sentence be easy. I want to install LEDs for long years. To get the flash effect when I make the selector. I did a little price research in the industry. No one is giving a price below 150. Can I request the link of the LEDs bought for $ 15 ?