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08.05.2020 18:32 # 1
Greetings to everyone 2004 pejo 307 1.6 I was able to listen to music from the cd player in my XT vehicle before, but there is no cd that I haven't tried for 1-2 months.
complete cd player radio vs FORMATING is there a way thanks
08.05.2020 18:32 # 2
it is also available in my car, but I don't use it. I unplugged the cd changerin and plugged in the usb apparatus.
08.05.2020 18:32 # 3
[QUOTE = elsoberano] is also available in my vehicle, but I don't use it. I unplug the cd changerin and plug in the usb apparatus.

The cleanest usb apparatus is Orkun Hodja, I was very pleased, I think to buy it in C3.
08.05.2020 18:32 # 4
[QUOTE = sefabasaranaa] greetings to everyone 2004 pejo 307 1.6 I had previously been able to listen to music from the cd player in my XT car, but there is no cd I haven't tried for 1-2 months.
complete cd player radio vs FORMATING is there a way thanks

the tapes clean the dusting laser of the cd player, then it can work.
If you understand, you can disassemble it yourself and remove the laser lightly with a cotton swab.
But if it doesn't happen, cancel the cd changeri and get a usb-sd card apparatus.
08.05.2020 18:32 # 5
[QUOTE = elsoberano] is also available in my vehicle, but I don't use it. I unplug the cd changerin and plug in the usb apparatus.

how can we get this apparatus and how much does it cost?

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