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3008 right front wiper link

Homepage » PEUGEOT MODELS (FAULTS AND SOLUTIONS) » 3008 (2009-2015)
13.10.2021 21:12 # 1
Dear forum members. Emergency aid. My 2010 3008 car's right front shock absorber upper mount exploded. After the problem exploded, the connecting rod halter came off and broke the right front wiper socket. The eraser started working on its own. It happened to me while I was in Istanbul, the master changed the wedge, changed the silegeç socket and it was fixed. It came again about 8 months later, but this time I am working in the Şırnak. I don't know if the master made the connections differently, he said the eraser is defective. But the erasers were working. I also found the socket somehow, the cable colors are different. Master is a bit unfamiliar with this subject. I want to connect and try it myself and then order the wiper motor. You just need a row of 4 wires going into the right front wiper. In order not to make a reverse connection. Or a philanthropist with a 3008i can post a photo?
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