206 wiper blade melted underneath |
08.05.2020 20:00 | # 1 |
ziya alp | |
08.05.2020 20:00 | # 2 |
TugyyStyle | |
brother only in the city where you have the wiper set underneath, there is no need to give 15-20 lira cargo money in the accessories :))
08.05.2020 20:00 | # 3 |
madblueblacksea | |
Appropriate nails may not come out in every package that makes more sense by seeing from the accessory shop for installation. 65cm 40cm wiper dimensions
08.05.2020 20:00 | # 4 |
sonerkyl | |
you can also find the same gasoline at an affordable price. I bought 3 TL in the first spring. then they made 7.5 tl when i asked recently.
08.05.2020 20:00 | # 5 |
Sercan Mungan | |
Bosch eco classic type (non-banana type) is both long-lasting and economical in price.
08.05.2020 20:00 | # 6 |
i recommend bosch i have double 30 tl but very high quality not tear immediately.
08.05.2020 20:00 | # 7 |
ziya alp | |
bro, will I wipe my head, or if you took the plastic underneath from the truck KILIÇ you got the new eraser :)