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206+ which oil to use

08.05.2020 18:55 # 1

Which type and brand engine oil would you recommend for 2010 model 206+ diesel vehicle?

My vehicle is 57 thousand km and chip is available. I want you to recommend an oil according to the vehicle horsepower 97.
footnote: What needs to be changed in 60 thousand maintenance?
08.05.2020 18:55 # 2
Sercan Mungan
I would definitely recommend Mobil 1 esp formula 5w30.
08.05.2020 18:55 # 3
Get fully synthetic Birtan.

If you mentioned Cenker brother in Istanbul. I used magnatech and edge a lot and I used the formula for don aurise esp. When Magnatech was more intense, when I emptied the edge, it was more viscous when I bossed the edge. I haven't seen Esp yet. receptivity 2014-12-08 03:15:51
08.05.2020 18:55 # 4
As Ali said, I used castrol magnatec 5 30 c2 model that Cenker abused. A friend said, use 5 40 castrol edge turbo diesel oil. Now I asked him if I should take his price high for nothing.
08.05.2020 18:55 # 5
As I said, I saw it emptying magnatech and edge from motar. At 10k, the edge was still more fluid. Magnatech was a little more viscous.

In the last maintenance, I got the formula for service, Toyota thanks to the oil when we bring the oil with the appropriate value. There is no non-service oil policy. I have not yet seen esp's fluidity after maintenance.

I don't need an edge if you are going to change the filter at low km. I do not need 5w40, I have ce 5w30 is good, even toyota uses 0w30. Because the engine was extremely quiet.
08.05.2020 18:55 # 6
I do not tighten in fitre, I am changing every 5bn km, but what the hell was obviously my oil Cenker brother had said a change at 7500km my 12 thousand was still could not change :)
08.05.2020 18:55 # 7
What is changing in terms of 60 thousand?
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