206+ Fog Light Bulb Replacement |
08.05.2020 19:23 | # 1 |
kdrbrk | |
Hello friends, the left fog bulb of my 206+ vehicle exploded, using a bulb called psx24. I have researched this bulb everywhere and it is sold at an expensive price (like 60 TL). Is there any other bulb, formula you can recommend instead of this bulb? Also, how can we disassemble the fog light cover without breaking it? Thanks for your help in advance. |
08.05.2020 19:23 | # 2 |
Alicilik | |
No need to insert the fog cover. The bulb comes out. psx24w 5202 H16 she passes. 50TL in an unnecessarily expensive bulb service. you can bring leds from abroad. I used it sometime, not bad. |
08.05.2020 19:23 | # 3 |
plawert | |
I think you can buy a direct fog lamp because you will get a light bulb because I think the citroen c3 has the same situation, there is 10 TL difference between fog and fog light.
08.05.2020 19:23 | # 4 |
kdrbrk | |
When I opened the screw under the bumper, I could pull the hood to the edge and change the fog bulb. It was a very difficult process. psx24w 5202 H16 she passes. 50TL in an unnecessarily expensive bulb service. you can bring leds from abroad. I used it sometime, not bad. [/ QUOTE] |
08.05.2020 19:23 | # 5 |
kdrbrk | |
I found the light bulb in only 1 place in the eagle industry and there were 2 in that shop. I was able to drop it from 60 lira to 35 lira and unfortunately I have bought the most expensive bulb I have ever received in my life. I will never open the mists again. If they explode again, I will sell the car :) |